On December 19th, the Dallas Cup staff celebrated the holiday season at Maggiano's. In attendance, but not in any specific order, Gordon Jago & wife, June; Mary Link & husband, Ken; Bucki Rogers; Justin Moore; Randy Jones & wife, Donna; Jolyne Doyle & husband, David; and Sue Slater & husband, Mark. The conversation flowed, the food was filling and a good time was had by all!
The tickets for Dr Pepper Dallas Cup XXIX have been designed, the ink is barely dry and they were delivered before the offices closed down for the holidays. Now in order to get them up for sale they must be counted, logged in and then distributed to The Soccer Corner! Tickets are on sale today- call 214.221.3636 to order them over the phone or visit any of the local Soccer Corner stores on January 3, 2008! Check our website for ticket prices and games- www.dallascup.com